Did you ever ask for yourself : why are there so many seniors in winter at the Spanish coast?
Because the Spanish goverment subsidized the holidays and the travels .
This is done partly yo offer the seniors in Spain an affordable holiday in their own country.
But also to keep seniors active .
And last but not least to promote the employment in tourism in the low saison .
These holidays are much cheaper than the normal package trips in Spain.
Furthermore they include the transport, hotel full board , sometimes excursions insurance and tour guides.
The goverment organise this holidays with the name : IMSERSO
That means Instituto de Mayores y Servicios Sociales a,d senior travel.
Who can use this benefits ?
Those who may use the benefits for the imerso trips are registrated residents of Spain.
So in principle also the foreigners who live in Spain.
Who have a NIE registration number and are registered in teh population register
The so called “empadronado” .
Prices are a big plus
The prices of the IMERSO trips are a big plus.
Because they are made to be accessible for pensioners. So that traveling becomes easier.
The cost can vary.
Depending the type of stay, the regio,, and for how long.
The structure of the price is fair and clear.
So everyone can wee what fits within his of her budget.Good to known
Culture tours
in addition to the basic prices. Imerso also offers cultural tours.
But also nature tours.
Even the provincial capitals are in their programme.
But also thermals holiday packages
Good to known
the standard accommodation is a shared double room
However , for those who prefer more privacy, it is possible to book a single room for a small supplement .