Three kings parades or the parade of los reyes magos.
Important to know: this parades is popular in the all of Spain.
So important, it is even a national bank holiday in Spain.

Of course is is also celebrated at the Costa Blanca.
Traditional fiesta : the three kings parades
First of all it is a religieus fiesta.
In the past, it was the day where the three kings came to visits Jesus Christ in his crib.
This wise kings where Balthazar, Melchior and Gaspard.
But more important nowadays is the parade for the three kings.
At this day, the 6 of January, the kings deliver gifts and toys for the children.
But only at those who were kind. Like Santa Claus.
When the children where naughty during the year, they get a bag of coal.
In Spain it is more important than Christmas.
Beginning of the three kings parade.
The parades are in the all the villages, towns and city’s over Spain.
Mostly the parade start in a cultural center .
But some times at the Costa Blanca in the harbor.
For instance in Torrevieja and Benidorm the three kings arrive with the boat. With floats around them to welcome them.
So children,their parents and grandparents meet them in the harbor.
Every town has his three kings parade.The parade goes trough the village. Mostly ending at the town hall. And received by the mayor.

The first part of the parade is the one with chariots full of Disney figures.
Full of color and light.
Meanwhile kilos of sweets are been thrown out of the chariots to the children.
In some places , there are more than 4000 kilograms of sweets.
The second part of Three kings parades
The second art of the parade is more religious and traditional Spanish.
With the Romans , the sheeps and the shepherds …
But also with the most important persons itself. Indeed, the three kings Melchior, Gaspard and Balthazar.
Also known as Los reyes magos in Spain.

After the parade children go home and set their shoe.
Some the next morning there receive the toys brought by the three kings.
Roscon del reyes
At breakfast the traditional Roscón del reyes is served.
This is a large traditional sweet pastry with candied fruit.
In it, there is hidden a porcelain Christ baby.
So if you want to know more ? You can read it on the page : Spanish traditions .