Whale wathcing in Spain is a breath-taking spectacle that you do not expect to find in Spain.

But Spain is, thanks to its geographic situation the place to be to spot whales, dolphins and orca’s or killer whales. The Spanish island has more than over 80 000 kilometres of coast.
There is the cold water of the Atlantic ocean and the warm water of the Mediterranean Sea .
As well in the North of Spain as in the south you can spot whales.
In the North, the golf of Biscay is the place to be. Experts say that there is not a place in the world with a higher density of whales. The most common types of whales here are pilot whales, Minke whales, fin whales, and Sei whales.
The best time to visit is from April to October. Of course it remains nature. All depends of the sea, the winds, the weather conditions … .
Whale spotting in Spain
Whale spotting is a spectacle that you never will forget. There are many tourists who come only to the south of Spain to watch this amazing animals.
The street of Gibraltar is one of the place where you can see dolphins, orca’s and whales passing by.
It is the connection, between the Atlantic ocean and the Mediterranean Sea . This place is full of natural food for the amazing animals. The Street of Gibraltar lays between Spain and Maroc.
Dolphins in Spain
The best period is between April and October. From different place you can do a boat trip to see the dolphins.
There are three different types: the common dolphin, the striped dolphin and the bottle nose dolphin.
Whales in the south
The different types of whales are the sperm whales, the fin whales and the Killer whales.
The whales migrate trough the Street of Gibraltar from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea in the spring.
In July they go back from the warm Mediterranean to the colder Atlantic Ocean.
In the first place, the weather conditions will decide if you will see the whales.

But the captains of the boats know the place where their can find the whales. There are professionals. Sometimes the boat trips are guided by a nature expert.
The killer whale or orca is also a guest at the Street of Gibraltar.
But you can see the killerwhale only the period where the tuna come back from the Mediterranean sea. Mostly it is in the month of July and August.
Then the killer whales wait for the school of tuna . So it is a easy catch for this magnefic animals.
But tuna is also very popular in the Spanish and Moroccan kitchen. So there are also many fishermen in the same period.

In fact, killer whales are clever animals.
Often, the killer whale takes the tuna from the fish line.
That is why, it is also easy for the local orca watching boat trips to find this killer whale: nearby the fishing boats
Indeed, it is an incredible experience to do a boat trip to see the whales in their natural environment.
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